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Graphs Algorithms



A disconnected graph is a graph where some vertices may not have edges.

Breadth First

In a breadth first traversal, you are starting at a specific vertex/node. This node must be specified when calling the BreadthFirst() method. The breadth-first traversal of a graph is like that of a tree, with the exception that graphs can have cycles. When a graph has cycles and we are trying to traverse, this leaves the possibility to be in an infinite loop….this is bad. To prevent such behavior, we need to have some sort of flag that specifies if we have already visited that vertices. Upon each visit, we just set the “visited” flag from false to true.

Depth First

In a depth first traversal, we approach it a bit different than the way we do when working with a depth first traversal of a tree. Similar to how the breadth-first uses a queue, we are going to use a Stack for our depth-first traversal.

The algorithm for a depth first traversal is as follows: