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Random Module


  • The random module provides access to functions that is allows you to generate random in many way .

How to use the Randomize

In case you want to implement a random function or give a random number value The Random module contains some very useful functions.

So first of all Make Sure To Import random Before The Code in order to use it

  • Randint: This will generate a value between 2 numbers



This will give you a random integer between

  • Choice Generate a random value from a sequence


colors = ['red', 'black', 'green'] random.choice(colors)

  • Shuffle shuffles the elements in list in place, so they are in a random order Ex:

x = [[i] for i in range(10)] random.shuffle(x)

  • Randrange Generate a randomly selected element from range(start, stop, step)


for i in range(3): print random.randrange(0, 101, 5)


Risk Analysis

The probability of any unwanted incident is defined as Risk

risk analysis is the process of identifying the risks in applications or software that you built and prioritizing them to test.

Why use Risk Analysis

  • highlights the potential problem areas
  • helps the developers and managers to mitigate the risks

risks that you could encounter list:

  • Use of new hardware
  • Use of new technology
  • Use of new automation tool
  • The sequence of code
  • Availability of test resources for the application

there are certain risks that are unavoidable such as:

  • The time that you allocated for testing
  • A defect leakage due to the complexity or size of the application
  • Urgency from the clients to deliver the project
  • Incomplete requirements