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  • Links are created using the < a > element.
  • The < a > element uses the href attribute to indicate the page you are linking to.
  • If you are linking to a page within your own site, it is best to use relative links rather than qualified URLs.
  • You can create links to open email programs with an email address in the “to” field.
  • You can use the id attribute to target elements within a page that can be linked to.



  • < div> elements are often used as containing elements to group together sections of a page.
  • Browsers display pages in normal flow unless you specify relative, absolute, or fixed positioning.
  • The float property moves content to the left or right of the page and can be used to create multi-column layouts. (Floated items require a defined width.)
  • Pages can be fixed width or liquid (stretchy) layouts.
  • Designers keep pages within 960-1000 pixels wide, and indicate what the site is about within the top 600 pixels (to demonstrate its relevance without scrolling).
  • Grids help create professional and flexible designs.
  • CSS Frameworks provide rules for common tasks.
  • You can include multiple CSS files in one page.



Javascript functions are a collection of statements, either named or unnamed(anonymous) that can be called when required within a Javascript program.

  • Functions allow you to group a set of related statements together that represent a single task.
  • Functions can take parameters (informatiorJ required to do their job) and may return a value.
  • An object is a series of variables and functions that represent something from the world around you.
  • In an object, variables are known as properties of the object; functions are known as methods of the object.
  • Web browsers implement objects that represent both the browser window and the document loaded into the browser window.
  • JavaScript also has several built-in objects such as String, Number, Math, and Date. Their properties and methods offer functionality that help you write scripts.
  • Arrays and objects can be used to create complex data sets (and both can contain the other).