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Transform Syntax:- The actual syntax for the transform property is quite simple, including the transform property followed by the value. The value specifies the transform type followed by a specific amount inside parentheses.

  • 2D Transforms :- Two-dimensional transforms work on the x and y axes, known as horizontal and vertical axes.


  • 2D Rotate :- he rotate value provides the ability to rotate an element from 0 to 360 degrees. Using a positive value will rotate an element clockwise, and using a negative value will rotate the element counterclockwise.

  • .box-1 { transform: rotate(20deg);
  • 2D Scale :- Using the scale value within the transform property allows you to change the appeared size of an element.

  • .box-1 { transform: scale(.75);}
  • 2D Translate :- The translate value works a bit like that of relative positioning, pushing and pulling an element in different directions without interrupting the normal flow of the document.

  • .box-1 { transform: translateX(-10px);
  • 2D Skew :- skew, is used to distort elements on the horizontal axis, vertical axis, or both.

  • .box-1 { transform: skewX(5deg);}
  • 3D Transforms:- hree-dimensional transforms work on both the x and y axes, as well as the z axis.

Transitions & Animations

Transitions :- A transition is an element must have a change in state, and different styles must be identified for each state.

