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What is jQuery?

jQuery is a DOM manipulation library that essentially helps us do many JavaScript tasks much faster and more simply.


jQuery methods for:

  • Selecting/Manipulating/Creating Elements
  • Adding Event Listeners
  • Animating Elements
  • Adding Effects
  • Making HTTP Requests (AJAX)

Why Use jQuery?

  • It’s easy to learn and use
  • Makes DOM manipulation a breeze
  • Has cross-browser support
  • Working with AJAX is easy
  • Lots of knowledge out there if you need help



  • jQuery is a JavaScript file you include in your pages.
  • Once included, it makes it faster and easier to write cross-browser JavaScript, based on two steps:
    • Using CSS-style selectors to collect one or more nodes from the DOM tree.
    • Using jQuery’s built-in methods to work with the elements in that selection.
  • jQuery’s CSS-style selector syntax makes it easier to select elements to work with. It also has methods that make it easier to traverse the DOM.
  • jQuery makes it easier to handle events because the event methods work across all browsers.
  • jQuery offers methods that make it quick and simple to achieve a range of tasks that JavaScript programmers commonly need to perform.